4000 Algerian Illegal Immigrants Arrived In Spain Within 10 Months ...الجزائر

الشروق - اخبار عربية

اخبار عربية برس بي .. الشروق شاهد 4000 Algerian Illegal Immigrants Arrived In Spain Within 10 Months والان مشاهدة التفاصيل.

4000 Algerian Illegal Immigrants Arrived In .

A new document by Spain’s High Commission for Refugees shows that over 4,000 Algerian illegal immigrants arrived in the kingdom by sea or land crossings (Ceuta and Melilla), from January to October 31, on a list that was topped by Moroccans with more than 11,000 illegal immigrants. In this context, the new statistics of the High Commission for Refugees in Spain, which copy is available to Echorouh, and that was prepared in cooperation with Spanish government agencies and other non-governmental organizations, the Algerian illegal immigrants who arrived in the country reached 3955 people, while the number reached 3729 during the same period of 2017. According to the same document, the number of Algerian illegal immigrants who arrived in Spain represents 7% of the total number of those who arrived by land and sea, during the same period, with more than 53.000 illegal immigrants. Algerian illegal immigrants ranked fifth in terms of number (3955), in a list that was topped by the Moroccan illegal immigrants with 11,446 (21%), Guinea in the second rank with 11,150 illegal immigrants, and Mali third with 8465 illegal immigrants, and Ivory Coast with 4497 illegal immigrants. A European source told Echorouk, a few days ago, that the Algerian illegal immigrants who arrived in Spain, according to Frontex agency, were in the range of 2,000, which did not happen in September, October and November, because in these months there was a significant increase in the number of boats that left fo

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مشاهدة 4000 algerian illegal immigrants arrived in spain within 10 months

في الموقع ايضا :

كانت هذه تفاصيل 4000 Algerian Illegal Immigrants Arrived In Spain Within 10 Months نرجوا بأن نكون قد وفقنا بإعطائك التفاصيل والمعلومات الكامله .

علما بأن المقال الأصلي قد تم نشرة ومتواجد على الشروق وقد قام فريق التحرير في برس بي بالتاكد منه وربما تم التعديل علية وربما قد يكون تم نقله بالكامل اوالاقتباس منه ويمكنك قراءة ومتابعة مستجدادت هذا الخبر او الموضوع من مصدره الاساسي.

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